GHTC's Hike For John

  • 20 Oct 2024
  • 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • University of Guelph, Lot P15 off East Ring Rd


***Registration closed.  Event is full.***

John Fisher's legacy made a lasting impact throughout the Guelph community. His vision to connect trail networks, build bridges, and integrate artistic experiences are gifts that will continue to be received for years to come.  GHTC's Hike For John invites you to experience these gifts along some of our community's most popular trails.

The full hike length is ~15 km.  The difficulty level is 2 with elevation change and uneven terrain for brief periods.  Speed of this hike will be level 3, ~5 km/hour.

If you want to join for a shorter version of our hike, we offer a turnaround at Wellington Plaza; this will make your hike ~5 km in length.

9:30 AM Departure.

Starting Point: University of Guelph, Parking Lot P15 adjacent to Gryphon Soccer Complex, near East Ring Rd & Arboretum Rd.  We will meet up here and enter the Arboretum together as a group.

For Parking:  DO NOT PARK at THE MAIN LOT of the Arboretum.  They have a private event that day and have requested us to use lot P15, located near the Gryphon Soccer Complex.  Parking there is free on Sundays.

From the Arboretum, we will descend the Arboretum Side Trail onto the Cutten Fields Trail, moving west toward the Gosling Bridge.  Next, we make our way to Wellington Plaza art installations, continuing along the Speed River Trail to the Seth mural behind the Matrix building.  We'll then take a scenic route along the Rapids Side Trail, advancing to Riverside Park and following the Speed River Trail all the way to the Guelph Lake Dam.  A bus will pick us up on Conservation Rd, adjacent to the Guelph Lake Dam and drop all of us back off at the Arboretum.

Ending Point: Gryphon Soccer Complex, University of Guelph (just outside Arboretum visitors info booth).  A bus will drop us off.

1:00 PM Drop-off at Arboretum.

This hike will happen, rain or shine.  Dress appropriately for conditions.  Proper footwear is required to handle some of the terrain along the way.  If cancelling with less than 2 days' notice, email Colin.


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Guelph Hiking Trail Club is a charitable organization Registration#11894 9395

PO Box 1, Guelph, ON, N1H 6J6

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