Trail Reroutes

From time to time, GHTC trails may need to be rerouted for a variety of reasons.

Please obey instructions on the signs you see along the trail (eg. closures during hunting season) and follow the blazes.


  Reroute for 14th Edition

   Make the following reroute changes to your 2020 Handbook:

Handbook Page Trail & Section Subsection  Addendum
 new  Marianne's Park

The Radial Line Trail has recently been extended into the City, and now begins on Gordon St. From Gordon St. south of Eramosa River enter Marianne’s Park and proceed to the east at the start of the woodlot. The trail runs parallel to the river for about 110 meters then turns sharply south for another 110 metres emerging onto James St.
 new  James St.  
Enter trail at the east end of James St.East .The trail follows the route of the original Toronto Suburban Railway. Watch for flying golf balls as the trail runs adjacent to an unprotected golf fairway. The James St trail section runs to Victoria Rd bridge. RLT Section 1 trail  continues from there to Stone Rd. East.
 new  RLT1 Cliff Top Sidetrail
This new side trail starts at the Victoria Rd. parking area, climbs up the hill, and then follows the high ground for 2 km down to Stone Road, with occasional big views over the Eramosa River, and then joins back in to our Radial Line Trail near Stone Road.
 James St.  Arboretum Sidetrail
75 metres before passing under Victoria Rd Bridge a signed and blue blazed trail turns sharply south up a steep cliff face that is hazardous, especially in winter. Follow the blue blazes that lead directly to the Arboretum south of College St. through an old “borrow” pit. Alternatively exit onto Victoria Rd.
 22  RLT 1  River Sidetrail
Delete paragraph about “River Side Trail”
The former River Side Trail is no more as it has evolved into the  Section 1 main Trail.
 22  RLT 1  Victoria Rd to Stone Rd.

Victoria Road Side Trail

The main trail used to lead out from this trailhead with a small parking area. This is now a side trail to access the Main Section 1 RLT.
 22  RLT 1  Stone Rd E. to Watson Rd
Stone Rd east to Watson Rd.
Follow the road allowance crossing Torrance Creek to Cook’s Mill Rd. and then turn left (east).
The former diagonal route following the aqueduct is currently shut down.
 new  SRT 1
extension of SRT
Trail starts at Edinburgh Skateboard Park and  goes to former Humane Society 
 49  SRT 1
 Imperial Drain Sidetrail
 Add Imperial Drain Sidetrail
Take this 200metre sidetrail as a detour, when high Speed River water levels do not permit crossing the trail on the footbridge.
 new  City Trail
 Rapids Sidetrail

The Armtec Company has generously entered into a “handshake agreement” with GHTC. This newly managed trail runs adjacent to the Speed River from Mac Ave. to John St behind the Armtec property. It can be accessed east of the Trans Canada Trail (TCT) from Mac Ave, Earl St and John St. deadends

This is a recreational trail and there are some hazardous sections but it is a beautiful trail running alongside the river.

It is the intent to extend the trail along the Speed River into Herb Markle Park following a popular community trail.
Reroute KBT
 Connecting link KBT to Guelph

Trail Closure-Marden Tract Extension

It is no longer possible to walk or cycle into Guelph using the Marden Tract east to the Hydro corridor south to Woodlawn. The section south of the railway is private property and is a working Transloading Commercial enterprise.It is not safe and you will be trespassing if you cross it.

The only current link into Guelph is using Silvercreek (Wellington 39) south to Woodlawn.

  Reroute for 13th Edition

   Make the following reroute changes to your 2017 Handbook:

Handbook Page RLT Section Subsection  Addendum
 40  7 Dublin Line to Halton 25
Delete directions for "Dublin Line to Halton 25" and replace with "Go south on Dublin Line, continue to Side Rd 25, then turn east on Side Rd 25. Continue to Halton Regional Rd 25. Orange blazes marked along roadside.
 40  7 Moroz Side Trail
 This trail is no longer in service at request of new landowner. Please Do Not trespass.
 8  4th Line to 5th Line Halton Hills
P42 Delete 4th Line to 5th Line Halton Hills
Replace with 4th Line to Sideroad 22 and Limehouse.
New route goes south on 4th Line to 22 Sideroad and continues east to Limehouse trailhead.


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Guelph Hiking Trail Club is a charitable organization Registration#11894 9395

PO Box 1, Guelph, ON, N1H 6J6 

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