Starkey Hill Interpretive Trail Highlights

Starkey topography: formed by glaciers

Thousands of years ago glaciers, moving across the land, carried and pushed massive amounts of rock and soil along with them. These debris piles, which we see as hills and ridges, are called moraines. At this point, you are standing on a part of the Paris Moraine, which underlies Starkey's rugged topography and which, together with the Galt Moraine, covers an area of 560 square kilometres from Caledon to Norfolk County. Because these two moraines have relatively permeable surfaces which allow high levels of water recharge, they are extremely important in supporting cold water streams and wetlands in the region. The long-term "health" of our local moraine ecology will be affected by the pace and scope of gravel extraction and building development.

There are many different types of moraines. To learn about them, visit

And if you're interested in protecting our moraines, click on

The Starkey Hill Interpretive Trail is jointly managed by the Guelph Hiking Trail Club and the Grand River Conservation Authority

Grand River Conservation Authority

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Guelph Hiking Trail Club is a charitable organization Registration#11894 9395

PO Box 1, Guelph, ON, N1H 6J6 

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