If you ever get the chance to hob nob with one or many of our Executive Committee members, you are certainly in for a treat! We have a mix of people from all walks of life. This is what makes us so effective as a team. Not only do they fulfill their roles on the Board, such as President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and as Committee Leads who coordinate many aspects of the club, such as Membership, Special Events, Hike Leaders, our Newsletter, our Web presence and Communications, there are several individuals that monitor and maintain each section of our GHTC trail system. Many of our Executive Committee also belong to other outdoor/hike clubs, and we see this as a value-added opportunity for growth and development; to be knowledgeable of upcoming trends and partnership opportunities. Although Board positions are voted in annually by the membership and Committee Leads are appointed, we welcome interest in helping run and shape the Club anytime throughout the year!
President | Past PresidentVacant |
Vice President | Secretary | Treasurer |
Hike Program Coordinator | Social ConvenorVacant | Hike Ontario Representative |
Communications Coordinator | Newsletter Coordinator | Membership CoordinatorVacant |
Web Administrator | Event Coordinator |
Kissing Bridge | Radial Line | Speed River |