Spring Weekend Hike - Guelph Lake Trails
Meet at 9:20 for 9:30 departure - 9:30-11:30
Welcome spring with this hike! We will hike along the trail system meandering through the forest and along Guelph Lake
Please note - spring weather is unpredictable - please be prepared for muddy, slushy, icy or snowy trails icers/micro spikes may be needed
Length: approximately 1 1/2 - 2hrs - 5.8km
Pace: moderate - approximation 4km/hr
Parking: roadside on Victoria Rd North, Guelph (between Woodlawn Rd and Conservation Rd)
(GPS —- GORBA biking trails, Guelph Lake)
Required: hiking shoes/boots, icers/micro spikes, dress for weather
Optional- poles
No dogs please
Hike leader: Michelle Lebon
Email leader if you have questions
email: milebon231@gmail.com
Privacy Policy
Guelph Hiking Trail Club is a charitable organization Registration#11894 9395
PO Box 1, Guelph, ON, N1H 6J6