Beaver Valley Bruce Trail, Metcalfe Rock / Kolapore, Map 25

  • 9 Oct 2018
  • 9:15 AM


Registration is closed

This is a Caledon Bruce Trail hike. This 12 km loop hike will take approximately 4 hours and is at a medium pace over moderate/difficult terrain.

There is no dropout point.

No dogs please. Very rocky terrain so boots are essential.  

Depart: 9:30 am Parking  at Bruce Trail Km 33.4 on 9th Sideroad.

Directions: Meet at 9:15am, (for a 9:30 departure), at the Duncan Crevices Nature Reserve parking lot, (Km 33.4), for a 12Km loop hike. 

We will hike a loop made by the Chuck Grant Side Trail and the main Bruce Trail. The scramble through the middle of Metcalfe Rock is fun, but optional.

Leader: Susan Atkinson 519-831-9474 before 9 p.m.

 Level 2, Speed moderate


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Guelph Hiking Trail Club is a charitable organization Registration#11894 9395

PO Box 1, Guelph, ON, N1H 6J6

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