Only GHTC Members will be able to register for this hike until a couple of days prior to event. Before you can register for hike you must read covid-19 screening questions and be able to answer NO to all of them. You will be asked questions again before hike and not be able to join if at that time you answer yes to any of them.
Masks must be worn at start of hike. A minimum distance of 2 metres must be kept between non related hikers.
If you are registered and can't make it please delete your registration or email leader to let her know.
Meet 9:30 by the Guelph Covered bridge.
Masks are required while hiking.
We'll hike the south and north sides of the Eramosa river from Guelph Boathouse to Victoria rd. and back. Conditions look unclear at the moment, poles and icers might be useful. There will be some protection of the wind.
speed moderate, level one.
1:30 - 2 hrs duration
Tuula cell 519 829-9929 (text)
Privacy Policy
Guelph Hiking Trail Club is a charitable organization Registration#11894 9395
PO Box 1, Guelph, ON, N1H 6J6