Meet at Pineridge Rd. off Nattawasaga Line Six at 9:30 or at the Guelph Covered Bridge at 9:00 for car pooling to the trail head. We will hike from line 6 to Dublin Line and back. Total distance is 9.4 KM. This trail is rocky in parts and rises steeply to Kong Hill, with a panoramic view at the top. The trail descends through coniferous plantations and emerges onto the abandoned railbed. . Walking is a bit more rugged than most of the radial line trail. The scenery is varied and is the most interesting of the Radial Line Trails. Bring water and a snack. Hiking poles are recommended. Level 2
Directions to trail head: from Guelph Hwy 7 east to Nassagawa line 6 Milton, turn south onto sixth line and drive to Pineridge (appr 1km). Parking on Parkridge.
Or meet at the covered bridge at 9:00 for carpooling .
Hike leader: Gitta 519-822-2568
Privacy Policy
Guelph Hiking Trail Club is a charitable organization Registration#11894 9395
PO Box 1, Guelph, ON, N1H 6J6