This week we will hike the Health Valley Trail and part of the Avon Trail in St. Jacobs. This beautiful trail follows the Conostogo River. We will go as far as the Wise Old Oak tree and then return. Trail may be muddy in spots, so wear appropriate footwear. Bug spray and water may be helpful. Lunch is optional, either down town St. Jacobs or at the Harvest Moon Restaurant. If you wish to car pool, meet at 9:00 a.m. at the Galaxy Cinema or drive directly to the trail head at 35 Albert St. in St. Jacobs. From Sawmill Rd. turn left onto King Street (just past Picards) first traffic light is Albert Street. turn left - parking lot at the end. Let the leader know if you wish to car pool.
Appr. 6 km - speed moderate - level 1 - 2 - 2.5 hours
Hike Leader: Gitta - - 519-822-2568
Privacy Policy
Guelph Hiking Trail Club is a charitable organization Registration#11894 9395
PO Box 1, Guelph, ON, N1H 6J6