Hike change for Preservation Park South Sector


Registration is closed

Due to snow piles, parking is prohibited at original meeting location. Note the new location and change to hiking section of Preservation park.

Preservation Park 

Wednesday morning hike 19 February 9:30 AM

Where:  meet in the Zehrs Hartsland parking lot (160 Kortright).  Park in the section nearest  the corner of Edinburgh and Rogers Rd.  We will enter forest via the Rogers Rd Trailhead.(Note: this is a change from the original meetup location at Carrington Place).  

What:  We will hike the middle section of Preservatioon Park using accessible trails.  The forest right now is a winter wonderland.

Time: 2 hours.  Pace and distance will depend on conditions. Trails mainly packed snow with good footing, but there will be sections where snow is deeper and where icers and poles  will be helpful.  Bring water and energy snack.  You will get your cardio-vascular workout!

Leader:  Michelle Wan ymaewan@gmail.com;  cell: 226-820-1783


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Guelph Hiking Trail Club is a charitable organization Registration#11894 9395

PO Box 1, Guelph, ON, N1H 6J6 


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