Rattlesnake Point, Iroquoia BT, loop hike, PaRx

  • 22 Feb 2025
  • 8:45 AM - 1:30 PM
  • 110 Rockmosa Dr, Rockwood, On.
  • 5



Time: February 22, 2025, 9:00 AM  

Title: Rattlesnake Point, Iroquoia BT, loop hike.

Location: 110 Rockmosa Dr, Rockwood, On.

Meet at the Rockmosa Community Hall, 110 Rockmosa Dr., Rockwood, (on the south side of the tennis courts), by 8:45 AM for a 9:00 AM carpool departure to the trailhead. Trailhead is the parking lot in the upper area, (see map available at https://www.conservationhalton.ca/parks/rattlesnake-point/), near RP01 on that map. The endpoint of the Rattlesnake Point Side Trail, map 11 of the BTC guidebook.  

Length:10 Km. Pace: moderate, Difficulty:2. Hiking time: 2-3 hours. 

Leaders: Ron - ronaldcherry002@gmail.com

Marie - burlandmc@gmail.com

There are a few rocky sections and a few steep hills. Mostly snow packed and possibly icy. A nice hike in summer and winter, more difficult in winter but also better views into the canyon.  

This hike is aimed at the goals of the PaRx program. Remember, spending more time in green space drops your risk of asthma, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and it reduces stress. Learn how to get ten free passes into Halton Parks under the PaRx program here: https://www.conservationhalton.ca/park-fees-membership-rates/

For this hike your entrance fee into the park will be covered if you join the carpool from Rockwood. The carpool will be limited to 14 people and therefore registration has been limited to 14. However, if you meet the hike at the trailhead, you will be able to join, even if registration is closed. If registration has been closed, join the waitlist but also please contact a hike leader. If you are not in the carpool from Rockwood, then you will be responsible for making your own park reservation. Contact a hike leader if you plan to join the hike at the trailhead.

Bring at least 2 L. of water, snacks, lunch. Dress for the weather. Crampons, aka icers recommended. Hiking poles recommended. Hiking boots required. No dogs please. No dropout. 


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Guelph Hiking Trail Club is a charitable organization Registration#11894 9395

PO Box 1, Guelph, ON, N1H 6J6 


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