Moderately brisk Radial Line Trail Section 6
Date: Thursday March 27, 2025
Location: Roadside parking near 5120 Pineridge Dr., Milton (on shoulder, past mailboxes), off 6th Line Nassagaweya
Car Pool option: 9:00 am meet at Rockmosa Commuity Hall, 110 Rockwook (beside tennis courts), for 9:15 departure to trail head
Please let Mira or Barbara know if you are going to meet at the trail (for 9:30 hike departure).
Hiking time: 9:30-12:00
Distance, Level and Pace: 10 km, Level 2+ (faster pace, rocky terrain, some hills and few short water breaks), 4.5-5 km/hr
Description: RLT Section 6 is an out and back (5 km in each direction) with the trail head being across 6th Line, opposite the Pineridge intersection. We will follow the orange blazes through scrubby meadows and woodlands. The trail rises steeply to the “Kong Hill” lookout, providing a beautiful panoramic view. The trail descends into a coniferous plantations, following a logging trail and then through hardwoods with significantly uneven, rocky footing. The trail emerges onto the abandoned rail bed, turns right and winds through very scenic rock walls, eventually ending at Dublin Line.
Lunch option: Chompin at the Bit, 148 Main St. N. Rockwood (near Rockmossa car pool location).
Required: water, snacks, sturdy hiking boots/shoes (with effective tread/grips). Please dress for the weather and bring ices/crampons/microspikes in case icy patches persist at this time.
No dogs please.
Hike Leaders: Barbara Bethune: 289-260-0027
Mira Soni: 519-763-6113
Please text leaders if you have any questions or are experiencing traffic delays en route.